By: admin
Aenean egestas scelerisque viverra. Vestibulum dolor nisi, condimentum a dignissim sagittis, condimentum eget elit. Aliquam pretium fringilla magna, eu feugiat dui condimentum non.
Thanks for checking out our school! We hope that you’ll enjoy what you see and find the information you are looking for, but if you have suggestions or questions, please email us at [email protected]. If you are interested in a tour of our facility, please call our office at 734-335-0663 to sign up for our next tour date.
Academic excellence…is actually far more likely to flourish when students enjoy what they’re doing. “Children (and adults, too) learn best when they are happy,” as Nel Noddings observes in her book Happiness and Education. How they feel—about themselves, about their teachers, about the curriculum and the whole experience of school—is crucially related to the quality of their learning. Richer thinking is more likely to occur in an atmosphere of exuberant discovery, in the kind of place where kids plunge into their projects and can’t wait to pick up where they left off yesterday.
-Alfie Kohn, Feel-Bad Education
Branch Line School is a school that children wake up in the morning excited to attend; to dispel the notion that school must always be boring, tedious or frustrating; and to create a fresh paradigm in which students feel free to explore and discover, and in which they develop a true and lifelong joy of learning.
School leadership and teachers provide a highly desirable workplace by treating each other with dignity, respect, and autonomy. Students will be best served when their teachers are excited to go to work every day, so hiring the right staff and a providing very supportive working environment is critical to the overall mission of the school.
BLS is founded on service to students, our school community and the surrounding community. These are matters of crucial importance to Branch Line School. Our success hinges upon a rock-solid foundation of integrity, capacity and dedication.
More than 30 local area parents, potential staff members and local community members who are passionate about education have worked together in a charter school development team for the purpose of crafting a program that serves students from a truly child-focused approach that eludes today’s traditional public schools. Program development has centered around one driving question: What is best for children?
We are proud to be an independent, non-profit, public charter school serving Livonia and surrounding communities with a culture of belonging, where every child is inspired to be joyful, purposeful, peaceful, respectful and resourceful!
We are so proud and grateful to have opened Branch Line School with the same ideals and integrity that motivated us from the beginning. You’re invited to become a part of our learning community by applying here for your child(ren), volunteering your time or skills, or simply spreading the word. Find out more about how activity and project-based learning might be the ideal approach for your child’s learning style, and how our emphasis on empathy might speak to his/her spirit. We’re looking forward to getting to know you!
By: admin
Aenean egestas scelerisque viverra. Vestibulum dolor nisi, condimentum a dignissim sagittis, condimentum eget elit. Aliquam pretium fringilla magna, eu feugiat dui condimentum non.