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teachers-day-Gift     ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥   Must LOVE children!   ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

Branch Line School seeks passionate and dedicated teachers and staff members who can inspire and nurture a love of learning.  Our teachers teach in a team environment in a progressive, multi-age setting, working in partnership with families to promote the growth and development of children.

Branch Line School TEACHER Job Description

Each classroom serves approximately 20 students.

Salary/Pay:  Varies based on experience

REQUIRED license or certification: CURRENT Michigan Teaching License, K-8 self contained

We will keep resumes & applications on file! Thank you for applying!

Shared Leadership & Committees

Branch Line School teachers are participants in a democratic shared leadership that empowers each teacher to actively influence the school’s direction, collaboratively leading the school’s curriculum, culture and operations.

In the shared leadership model, teachers become members of teams that create learning experiences, bring ideas to fruition, identify and solve problems, set policies, oversee critical business practices, plan for improvement and change, learn from one another and together bring the Branch Line School vision to life each and every day.

Three functional teams are responsible for student and school success. Professional development, school improvement team and planning time are scheduled to provide teachers and staff with the time and resources they need to be effective educators and leaders.

  • Curriculum Team (supported by Principal)
    Create lessons and projects
    Develop rubrics and assess student progress
  • Mission/Vision/Culture Team
    Foster and strengthen relationships within the school community
  • Business & Operations Team (supported by School Business Manager)
    Analyze financial needs and plan accordingly
    Monitor compliance with state regulations