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Board Documentation

Transparency documentation will be posted as it becomes available. Because 2013-3014 is BLS’ first year in operation, not all data will be immediately available.

Directors & Officers

Board Agenda(Board Meeting Schedule)

Board Meeting Minutes

Annual Operating Budget & Amendments 

Staff Professional Development Calendar:

2014-15 BLS Calendar Revised 8:27:14

School Safety & Emergency Notification Information:

Branch Line School conducts the required number of drills according to state law.

Procedure-Tornado Drill   Procedure-Fire Drill   

2014-2015 Safety Drills:   2014-09-16 Safety Drill Log

Playground – Branch Line School does not currently have a playground.  This would require equipment safety checks as required by our Authorizer, Saginaw Valley State University.

Kitchen – Branch Line School does not use a kitchen, therefore does not require Health Department or Michigan Department of Human Services inspections.

Enrollment Information & Advertising

2014-2015 Enrollment Process

2014-14 Enrollment period publication

2014-15 Enrollment Advertising

Technology Plan:

BLS Computer Technology and Networks Policy


Technology Protection Measure & Internet Safety Policy:

BLS Technology Acceptable Use Policy – Student

Technology Acceptable Use Policy- Staff

School Improvement Plan:

School Improvement Plan 2013-2014:

SIP_EXECUTIVE_SUMMARY SIP_Goals SIP 2013-14 (1) SIP_Improvement Plan Stakeholder SIP_Requirements Diagnostic SIP_School Data Analysis

Parent Involvement Plan:

BLS Parent Involvement Board Policy

BLS Parent Participation

PSA-Funded Health Care Plans:

Total Amount Paid in Dues to Associations:


Total Amount Paid on Lobbying Services:


Teacher, Principal, and Superintendent Salary Information:

No persons at Branch Line School qualify for the legal disclosure salary amounts of $100,000 or more.

Personnel Expense Chart:

2013-2014 was Branch Line School’s first year of operation.  Personnel Expenses will be provided in our FID by our auditing firm, Croskey, Lanni & Co, P.C., once the report is filed within the State of Michigan required deadline of November 15, 2014.

Operations Expense Chart:

2013-2014 was Branch Line School’s first year of operation.  Personnel Expenses will be provided in our FID by our auditing firm, Croskey, Lanni & Co, P.C., once the report is filed within the State of Michigan required deadline of November 15, 2014.

Annual Education Report:
